I’m a firm believer that I am who I am today because I stuck with pitching.
Things I know for sure:
1. Being a pitcher changes your life.
2. Being a pitcher pays dividends in other parts of your life off the field.
3. Being a pitcher makes you feel like you can do the impossible.
CONFIDENCE: a feeling or belief that you can do something well or succeed at something.
Definitions are reminders to us of the real meaning of a word – not the meaning that others have applied to it, or meanings that have formed in our head over time from up and down experience.

1. Let it go.
You’re inside the circle, both feet are on the rubber, it’s a 3-2 count with bases loaded, tie ball game and the clean up hitter is up to bat. What’s going on in your head? Do you hear the opposing team in the dugout? Do you hear your own thoughts more than the loud...