You OWN Confidence Jul 12, 2022

CONFIDENCE: a feeling or belief that you can do something well or succeed at something.

Definitions are reminders to us of the real meaning of a word – not the meaning that others have applied to it, or meanings that have formed in our head over time from up and down experience.


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How can a softball pitcher become confident? Jul 11, 2022

Regardless of how hard you throw, how you swing or how much movement you have, you should have a certain look about you. No, I’m not talking about make up, or headbands or uniform color. I’m talking about how YOU look from the inside out.

When should this look happen? All. The. Time....

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Pitching Mechanics 1 Aug 02, 2021
When I graduated college, I honestly had no idea I had what some might say “efficient” or “good” mechanics.
I guess I never really gave it much thought until my slo motion video was put on YouTube around 2012 or so.
I started to get tons of...
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How is pitching different in the Olympics? Jul 22, 2021

I bet you’re watching Olympic softball games at night!

And you’re probably wondering why some pitches look “illegal” based on the rules you know and aren’t being called…

Or why the umpire is calling an illegal pitch before the umpire goes into her motion.


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IN GAME: Next Pitch Jul 05, 2021
It's all about the NEXT PITCH when you step onto that pitching rubber.

1. Let it go.

Cue the Frozen soundtrack. Whatever happened the pitch before, LET. IT. GO. You can't change what happened, so don't give energy to it. Let it go as quickly as you can. You can reflect...
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Why Fastpitch Pitching Leaves So Many In Awe… Jul 15, 2020

I love everything about fastpitch pitching. It’s an art – physically and mentally. A very small percentage of people in this world can say that they have taken a stab at it, and even fewer can say that they ended their career as a pitcher and made it through the whole way. There is a...

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